2nd Rauma Salon

Color, general

AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Christ, Robert Afterwork
Ehlert, Ulrike Im Gegenlicht
Essig, Michael Bridge of Sheikh Zayed
Graf, Josef In flight
Hannemann, Gerd Sensual Beauty
Henn, Annelie Parachute
Henn, Annelie Pride
Hochhaus, Alexander Clouded
Hochhaus, Alexander Dream of Liberty
König, Hans Stargesang
Kunick, Stefan Cplpr Lamps
Kunick, Stefan Maru 3
Linnemann, Markus Mare confluens 2
Olfert, Peter Frostiy naight
Paul, Helmut Underground 5
Scholz, Christian Polarlicht
Schulz, Ruediger Amen
Schulz, Ruediger Blue Morning
Senser, Norbert Ostseestrand
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Boytell, Kerry Sunset Over Mt San Michel
Ide, James Lady in Red
Johnson, Vicki Spin
Keath, Phillip A mothers love
Keath, Phillip Flying into the Darkness
Munro, David Nature's fractals
Patterson, Lesley On the Ice Flow
Thompson, Paul Caitlin with Blue Glasses
Tilley, Paul Tilley Twin Falls
Woodcock, Jane Mona Corridor
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Egger, Marcel EasyRider
Egger, Marcel HelloBirdy
Egger, Marcel PeacockEye FIAP HM COLOR
Egger, Marcel Sandstorm
Karner, Manfred Beautiful Face
Karner, Manfred Puppet Dance
Karner, Manfred Stretched Cloth GPU SILVER COLOR
Pichler, Thomas In the Mirror 4
Pillik, Manfred Hore
Pillik, Manfred Sony Center
Pillik, Manfred Starke Frau
Resch, Helmut Daniela Porträt
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Keurlinckx, Els Senta
Meerpoel, Pascal Flamingos Eye
Van Calsteren, Louis Beach running
Van Calsteren, Louis Lac paisible
Vandebroeck, Jhony Begroeting op tak
Vandebroeck, Jhony Met twee op stam
Vandebroeck, Jhony Weerbarstige buit
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Hristev, Dimo lavender-storm FIAP HM COLOR
Todorova-marcheva, Maria Girl with lavender butterflies
Todorova-marcheva, Maria The Princess of Spring
Todorova-marcheva, Maria Winter story
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Chen, Shuying nurture
Chen, Shuying remuneration
Chen , Zifeng baby in the egg
Chen , Zifeng sleeping in love
Deng, Dongjie Fly through the fog
Hao, Jinfang Practice hunting
Jiao, Shengfu Winding road
Li, Jianping Wharf
Liu , Jianping A solitary man
Liu , Jianping Rhythm of horse race
Liu , Ming A tiny boat
Liu , Ming Worry
Liu, Qingshun a solemn expression
Liu , Xuzhong Blacksmith
Lu, Shengfu View from the cave
Ma , Yaping Daughter of the sea
Ma , Yaping Father and son AFCC HM COLOR
Ma , Yaping Lively desert 3
Mao , Xiaoping Kingfishers of four seasons-Autumn
Tan, Yaonian fighting snake NFFF BRONZE COLOR
Tan, Yaonian Natural Selection.jpg
Tan, Yaonian play snake
Wu, Jianxin Family happiness
Xiang, Balao busy parents.jpg
Xiang, Balao quarrel
Xiong, Yuehui hungry AFCC GOLD COLOR
Xiong, Yuehui target
Yang, Guomei Waterside warm spring
Zhang, Jie musical note
Zhang, Jie play chess
Zhang, Zhimin aerial lore
Zhang, Zhimin The confused eyes of Bayao girls
Zhao , Jinli Bells on the ice mountains
Zhao, Jinyu Sunset Kilimanjaro
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Kotsonis, Romos Reached the end
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Ryu, Shin Woo
Ryu, Shin Woo
Ryu, Shin Woo
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Andreassen, Lars Faroe Bridge in sunset
Hammerstad, Jan Outside In 1
Hammerstad, Jan The Flower
Nielsen, Arvid Felixity 6
Suszkiewicz, Ole Lonely Beauty
Wilgaard, Morten KM 02
Wilgaard, Morten MW 01
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Downie, Phil Freshening Up
Downie, Phil Green Angel
George, William Exquisite NFFF GOLD COLOR
George, William Morning Light
Greer, David Kerrang BEST OF SALON
Greer, David Lady in Red BEST OF SALON
Harley, Bruce A Daughter's Destiny
Harley, Bruce A Welcome Light in a Cruel Sea
Harley, Bruce The Vigil
Harley, Bruce Waiting on the Tow Truck
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Krizaj, Tomi SO LETS GO
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Adán Peña, Joaquín La diosa de ébano AFCC SILVER COLOR
Alcázar Ojeda, Antonio Penance
Alcázar Ojeda, Antonio The Solitude of the Mountain
Barbany Bosch, Toni BACO_3
Barbany Bosch, Toni BOMBETA QUINQUE
Barbany Bosch, Toni TRES CRXOFES
Carmona Monje, Jose de felinos y androides
De La Hoz Roch, Gràcia Clara with flowers GPU GOLD COLOR
De La Hoz Roch, Gràcia Still life 48
Font Vila, Daniel JOVE CARBONERA
Font Vila, Daniel L,ESCALA
Font Vila, Daniel MATERNAL 1
Gomez Catalina, Katy Alma de baobab
Gomez Catalina, Katy La tejedora de sedas
Iglesias Mesa, Manuel Antonio Autorretrato de Quevedo
Kuesta Garmendia, Joxe Inazio Man from Chittagong-Bangladesh FIAP BRONZE COLOR
Kuesta Garmendia, Joxe Inazio Painting a Theyyam Ceremony Performer
Lafebre Castells, Vicenç Feel observed
Leandro Serrano, Luis Delta del Ebro
Leandro Serrano, Luis In search of new horizons
Llobera, Merche Flying Underwater
Llobera, Merche The King
Llobera, Merche Unconditional love
López Cepero Mateos, Manuel EL TOMATE
López Cepero Mateos, Manuel LAS CIRUELAS
López Cepero Mateos, Manuel VISITA AL MUSEO
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino El son FIAP GOLD COLOR
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino Esperanza
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino Las costuras del alam
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino Tu friadad
Molist , Josep M La noia de negra i vermell
Molist , Josep M Yin Yang ous
Puigcerver Oliván, Manel Dance and freedom
Vázquez Trujillo, Rubén AGUAS 2
Vázquez Trujillo, Rubén PASARELA Y PAJAROS
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Carder, Nan Flamingo 2323
Pan, Joy P The Fishing Village at Sunrise
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Airaksinen, Riitta Golden moment
Airaksinen, Riitta Sister and brother
Eskelinen, Jouko Behind the mask
Eskelinen, Jouko Sunshine
Eskelinen, Jouko Vilja 2
Jokinen, Juha Colorful portrait 1
Jokinen, Juha Fairy and bird
Jokinen, Juha Portraiture 14
Jokinen, Juha Tanja 1
Jortikka, Aki-samuli Iina
Kääriäinen, Minna Capital
Keto, Jouko Land of The Midnight Sun GPU HM COLOR
Lähtinen, Timo Homewards
Lähtinen, Timo Small Surprise
Lehti, Janne Fairytale
Mäki, Jarmo Medieval man
Niemi, Matti J. Dont smile
Niskanen, Ilkka icefishing 2
Nisula, Pekka Ponte della Maddalena
Pajunen, Jonna Dream About Me
Sarparanta, Heikki Group of Walruses
Sarparanta, Heikki One red
Sarvela, Margareta Summer Night in Finland
Sell, Henrik The ant and the flower
Sell, Henrik The last berries
Simonen, Pia Once upon a time
Ylinen, Pertti Suvi's Face
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Bertin, Jean-claude Puerto Candelaria
Camus, Thierry red and red
Delécluse, Marc MEDA 4
Klauth, Robert Guepier carmin
Morio, Françoise artichauts au couteau
Morio, Françoise futures gelees
Paris, Trinley Another milkmaid
Paris, Trinley L aventure
Paris, Trinley Un boucher
Verdier, Jean-pierre Debut de recolte
Verdier, Jean-pierre L echange NFFF HM COLOR
Verdier, Jean-pierre Le Francais prend la mer
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Balachouti, Rania A light in the darkness NFFF SILVER COLOR
Lykouris, Ioannis Edward
Skotiniotis, Iannis Apples
Skotiniotis, Iannis Woman v5
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Kuipers, Rene Rosalien
Lybaert, Daniel Drie Japanse makakenkoppen
Lybaert, Daniel Kuifmakakenfamilie AFCC HM COLOR
Van Son, Max Flow
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Kohalmi, Kalman Red haired girl
Kohalmi, Kalman The maid GPU HM COLOR
Koncz, Desi Contemplative
Nadudvari, Zsolt Painted with light
Roland, Kranitz Roland I got you
Roland, Kranitz Roland Life above our heads
Roland, Kranitz Roland Queuing
Sagi, Agi Miss Camouflage
Ujhelyi, Zsolt Ujhelyi Sepia
Ujhelyi, Zsolt Ujhelyi Three Graces
Ujhelyi, Zsolt Ujhelyi Yellow Stilettos
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Astro , Mohan struggle
Astro , Mohan waiting for the next season
Basu, Gautam Kr STUDY 2165
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy FRIENDSHIP
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy JOB SATISFACTION
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy LANGUAGE OF EYE
Das, Debanjan Rumeo 51
Das, Debanjan Salt Drying Process 0533
Dey, Mainak Caged
Dey, Mainak Chilly Boy
Dey, Mainak Friends in Rain
Dey, Mainak Jittered Thoughts
Ghosh, Debojyoti COLOURFUL FACES
Mitra, Bikram HIDING
Pal, Abhijit Old Man FIAP SILVER COLOR
Pal, Abhijit Twilight Catch
Sk, Balachandder TEA TIME
Vijay, Giridharan Batman
Vijay, Giridharan Death and darkness
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Aprillina, Dewi Yudhia Ship Restoration
Djana, Teguh Aria Folklore Duo
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Byrne, Seamus Flower crown
Byrne, Seamus Mad hatter
Byrne, Seamus Nude shapes
Condra, Frank Aphrodite
Condra, Frank Lost in Thought
Condra, Frank Veiled Dance
Hanafin, Helen Nepali Sadhu
Loughran , Gary Symmetry
Sullivan, Claire Belvedere Morning Blues
Taylor, Mark Leaving the past behind
Taylor, Mark Pensive
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Goldin , Leonid Dog life
Sinai, Menachem chess
Sinai, Menachem Cristina008
Sinai, Menachem Natalia Flowers
Sinai, Menachem Urban Dance 002
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
De Rosa, Luigi Virata
Maitan, Gianni Colibri 2022 n3
Maitan, Gianni Polar Bear playing
Maitan, Gianni Polar Bear sleeping
Maitan, Gianni Snowy owl
Manetti, Marco let s go dance
Manetti, Marco Sharon eyes 2
Puosi, Antonio Duilio Coreografie di Carnevale
Puosi, Antonio Duilio Prima della sfilata
Rignanese, Giuseppe Cantastorie
Rignanese, Giuseppe La pastorella
Rignanese, Giuseppe La sognatrice
Salvaterra, Alberto Mediopadana 9
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Clement, Romain Ariane
Clement, Romain Ballerine in Gold
Hinger, Josy Jupa 3
Hutting, Jacques Hutting SOIREE DOREE EN CAMARGUE
Patz, Martin Cattenom
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Cheang, Sherman Beautiful Flamingos And Swan
Cheang, Sherman We Like Raining
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Debono, Johann Portrait of a Fisherman
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Carlsen, Nina Bending ballerina
Carlsen, Nina Moon girl
Darflot, Anngunn Darflot Isabella
Darflot, Anngunn Darflot The fairy
Egeland, Maria The Maid
Engen, Bjoern Fish and old things
Engen, Bjoern Lofoten-8
Foss, Torunn Communication
Foss, Torunn Therese
Hanssen, Vegard Nine is one
Helland, Atle I bobla
Henanger, Kjell Eirik Irgens Easter hare 5 2022
Henanger, Kjell Eirik Irgens Free style in a free world
Isaksen, Signe Gry Retro II
Kjøsnes, Oddmund Let the Day Begin
Landvik, Jon Winter on the River
Nesje, Nina Darkness within
Nesje, Nina Dream
Nesje, Nina Natural
Nesje, Nina Old memories
Ogard, Ommund Magic
Olsson, Bjoern Reidar Lunde I Bokeh
Price, Anita Rowing in Arno river
Sandstrak, Kristin Peacock
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Dubiel, Cezary Light and shadows
Dubiel, Cezary Tunnel of light FIAP HM COLOR
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Allen, William Elle in Red
Allen, William French Beauty
Allen, William Lady in Green FIAP HM COLOR
Barton, Janice Butterflies and Babies
Barton, Janice Dolls
Bloodworth, Trish Faithful friends
Bloodworth, Trish The Peacemaker
Fryer, Alison J Elegance
Fryer, Andy Emerald Drape
Gibson, James Final bow
Gibson, James On the run
Gibson, Susan Members only
Hardy, Lorraine Before the Performance
Hardy, Lorraine Dance Like No One is Watching
Hardy, Lorraine Summer
Harrison, Paul Over we go
Hayes, Andrew Lion Portrait
Healey, Ann Clouded Leopard
Hyett, Peter Orb
Jenkin, Barbara Golden Battle
Jenkin, Barbara Northern Lights Maiden
Jenkin, Barbara Vampire Mistress
King, John No More Playing For Laughs
Kozok, Corinne Blue Male on Top
Lane, Michael Lane Two are company
Luxton, Richard From the vortex
Luxton, Richard Prelude 2
Otton, Helen Ballooning Over Valensole
Otton, Helen Jumping Spaniel
Price, Robin Dreaming NFFF HM COLOR
Smith, Roy Tornado 2
Trout, Susan Autumnal Walk
Wheeler, David Spiral Staircase
Wheeler, David The Boiler Man
Whitby, John Abandoned
Whitby, John Awe and Wonder
Wong, Yin Blue Lollipop 2
Wong, Yin Chelsea Pensioner in Art Gallery
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Koci, Jiri Determination
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Margarintoni, Oscar Iustin Eat your heart
Margarintoni, Oscar Iustin You need coffe GPU HM COLOR
Sarb, Vasile Broken wings
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Bandara, Pandula Laying on Floor 2
Bandara, Pandula Walking with Sisters
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Almen, Anna Fairytale hunting
Almen, Anna Fire hunter AFCC BRONZE COLOR
Almen, Anna Kingfisher dance
Gustafson, Klas Guggenheim
Gustafson, Klas Night caravan
Gustafson, Klas Three GPU HM COLOR
Hansson, Lars-hakan W Kent E 0890
Jerlemar, Nils-erik Pedestrian Crossing No 4
Jerlemar, Nils-erik White Bike
Liedholm, Marcus Urban loneliness 3
Lundblad, Mikael Follow me NFFF HM COLOR
Lundblad, Mikael Ponte Romana
Lundblad, Mikael Red Umbrella
Reichel, Peter Love coach
Ward, Gary Incoming tide
Zebuhr, Goran Stockholm Central Station 1 PM
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Polli, Alex Architectural glimpse
Polli, Alex Autumn poetry
Polli, Alex Harmony
Reber, Reto Anna 1
Reber, Reto Portrait Alexandra
Zurmühle, Martin Alicia in the Engine Room
Zurmühle, Martin Flying Angel III GPU BRONZE COLOR
Zurmühle, Martin Flying Flag II
Zurmühle, Martin Spider in the Rain
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Wang, Wan Kuen Kamui2
Wang, Wan Kuen never give up
AUTORES Título de la obra Premios
Minh Minh Tam, Phan BUNG NFFF HM COLOR