8th Kuopio Salon

Vastaanotetut teokset Valitut teokset
Australia18 72 56 64 16 6 7
Austria5 20 20 16 12 12 6
Belgium9 36 32 28 9 7 7
Brazil1 4 4
Bulgaria4 16 16 8 9 9 2
Canada2 8 6
China39 152 144 92 49 38 33
China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region4 16 15 11 7 3
China, Macao Special Administrative Region2 8 3 4 3 2 3
Cyprus3 12 12 4 1 4
Czechia2 4 8 4 1 1
Denmark20 79 76 32 16 17 6
Finland75 287 249 233 50 34 35
France15 56 56 28 16 7 10
Gambia1 4 4 4
Germany25 100 96 76 30 17 13
Greece4 16 16 4 4 2 2
Hungary12 44 44 28 12 10 10
Iceland1 4 4 4 2 2
India22 80 80 44 27 22 8
Indonesia3 12 12 8 3 4
Ireland6 24 20 8 8 10 4
Israel2 8 8 3 4 4
Italy23 92 80 48 23 9 7
Kuwait1 4 4 4 3 1 2
Luxembourg5 20 20 16 5 5 5
Malta2 8 8 4 3 1 1
Netherlands4 16 12 12 8 5 4
Norway42 161 143 127 40 28 27
Poland7 20 28 8 4 4 3
Republic of Korea1 4 4 4 1 2
Romania4 16 16 4 2 3 1
SCOTLAND5 20 16 4 6 8 3
Serbia4 16 16 4 1
Slovakia1 4 3
Slovenia3 8 8 12 1 1 6
Spain30 104 112 68 40 31 14
Sri Lanka1 4 4 4 2 4 1
Sweden26 84 92 76 29 17 13
Switzerland3 12 12 12 5 1
TAIWAN4 15 16 16 2 5 5
Türkiye1 4 4 2 1
Ukraine2 4 4 1
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland43 159 152 108 39 27 32
United States of America11 40 32 40 6 5 4
Viet Nam2 8 8 4 2 2 1
Total 46 maat 500 1873 1766 1290 501 370 288
Valokuvien määrä49291159

   A :General Color    B :General Monochrome    C :Nature