10th Kuopio Salon

General Color

AUTHOR Image title awards
Clough, Jutta Sultry
Hill, Yvonne Firebirds
Mercieca, David Full Moon Rising Over Coal Cliff
Patterson, Ian A Day at the Beach
Polonski, Rebecca Moving Again - A Military Family
Stevens, Philip Our lady of cats
AUTHOR Image title awards
Hammer, Franz TigerTurtle5b FIAP HM COLOR
Hammer, Franz ueber den Gipfeln
Karner, Manfred Coffee to Go
Karner, Manfred Muse
Karner, Manfred White Violin
Kastner, Josef Schlittenhunderennen AFCC HM COLOR
Kastner, Josef Touristen
Mraz, Peter In die Ferne
Munteanu, Viorel Abuelo
Munteanu, Viorel Schwimmen in Bilbao
Pichler, Thomas Hat
Pillik, Manfred Alter Hof
Pillik, Manfred Poker
Stuppnig, Stefan Alla 7042
Stuppnig, Stefan De Souza 8635
Stuppnig, Stefan Scream 5583
Thaller, Bernd Aurora
AUTHOR Image title awards
Cauchies, Brigitte D UNE AUTRE EPOQUE
Rudi, Carton Blue girl in the wind
AUTHOR Image title awards
Chow, Kai Hong Foggy scene 3
Chow, Kai Hong Golden beach
AUTHOR Image title awards
Yu, Zhong An Majestic Realm
Yu, Zhong An U-Shaped GPU BRONZE COLOR
AUTHOR Image title awards
Jerneic, Zeljko Mediterraneo 2
Martic, Nenad Dystopia 4
Martic, Nenad Sole sole FIAP GOLD COLOR
Vajak, Zeljko Message
AUTHOR Image title awards
Avanesian, Garik Nomads in Pushkar 3862
Avanesian, Garik Stepwell 9526
Avanesian, Garik Venice Carnival 1523
Webr, David LP l
Webr, David Skye Edwards V
AUTHOR Image title awards
Boel Guldmann, Kis Alcedo atthis
Christensen, Thomas A. Limelight02
Faisst, Steffen sortsol-serie18
Froling, Kaj Prison Break AFCC HM COLOR
Froling, Kaj Side By side
Hammerstad, Jan Adda with Flowers 10-2
Hammerstad, Jan Lady in Red 1
Hammerstad, Jan Outside In 12
Hammerstad, Jan Perfume 3
Jakobsson, Jens Freezing bear cub
Jensen, Allan V. Winning the race
Martens, Per The hockey Match
Nielsen, Nielsen Arch Enemy BW
Suszkiewicz, Ole Man Upstairs
Teglmand, John Dog Race
AUTHOR Image title awards
Alimpieva, Anna Daughter
Alimpieva, Anna Juliana
Alimpieva, Anna Marusja
Alimpieva, Anna Sofia
Breilin, Kalle Office Building
Breilin, Kalle Red Stripes
Eskelinen, Jouko Connected
Flankkila, Virpi Joki virtaa
Flyktman, Reima Poplar leaf-roller
Hauta-aho, Eero Red-throated divers home pond NFFF BRONZE COLOR
Hietaharju, Anssi Wind power
Järvenpää, Teija Yellow
Jarvinen, Simo Mila on chair
Juntunen, Jarmo Ready for the trip
Kast, Thomas Ignite
Keto, Jouko In The Whirl of A Dance
Koivisto , Kari Fieldfare
Koivisto , Kari Mannequin
Kolehmainen, Mari Fire dance of the reeds
Komulainen, Ari Towards the light
Komulainen, Ari Wheels of Fun
Kosunen, Tapio Misty morning
Kurki, Olavi Bluewing
Markkanen, Wille At the park
Markkanen, Wille Illuminated Puijo
Martikainen, Merja Dreamy lady BEST OF SALON
Martikainen, Merja Red BEST OF SALON
Martikainen, Merja When the time is right BEST OF SALON
Martikainen, Merja Where the seagulls fly BEST OF SALON
Mönkkönen, Vesa Walker
Niskanen, Ilkka perfect kick
Niskanen, Ilkka tired player
Nykänen, Olli Early Bird
Nykänen, Olli Waiting for visitors
Puumalainen, Niko dream
Puumalainen, Niko dream come true
Puumalainen, Niko precious life
Puustjärvi, Annmarit Together
Saarinen, Anna-stiina Santa’s break
Sell, Henrik Kohti saalista
Simonen, Pia Hey you
Sipilä, Markus Breath
Sipilä, Markus Game Face
Sipilä, Markus Green
Suuronen, Veini Veini Suuronen Woman
Takkinen, Auvo Connecing ring
Timonen, Juuso A kiss on the bridge
Timonen, Juuso Love
Timonen, Juuso Together
Vähä, Mika Backstage
Vähä, Mika Self-portrait
Vatanen, Seppo A beautiful maiden
Vatanen, Seppo Dreamer
Vatanen, Seppo Real winter
Vatanen, Seppo Winter Lights
Ylinen, Pertti Hold Me 27c NFFF HM COLOR
AUTHOR Image title awards
Bouquier, Guy Canal in venice
Brandt, Laurence eventail GPU HM COLOR
Chaine, Jean-baptiste Champs vendéens
Christian, Desbordes Gr Ballon
Klauth, Robert Save or perish
Klauth, Robert The fly
AUTHOR Image title awards
Becker, Werner W. BRUNNENBURG 2
Christgau, Johanna Stadtansichten 2
Crispin, Irmgard stand up paddling
Ebelt, Thomas 1_Old_Lighthouse
Graf, Josef Finish
Graf, Josef in love
Hanisch, Ralf Sankt Lamberti Himmelsleiter
Jörn, Lützen Erdgeschoss-
Klein, Günter Bridal giift
Klein, Günter Kingfisher
Klein, Günter Kingfisher with Fish
Klein, Günter Wren
Klos, Franz Rudolf Faces GPU HM COLOR
Klos, Franz Rudolf Horses in fog
Mueller, Anneliese Geschwungen
Mueller, Anneliese Herbstbunt
Neuba, Adam Little Blue
Neuba, Adam Lost In Space GPU HM COLOR
Neuba, Adam Spot On
Neuba, Adam Walk Around The World
Reibl, Klaus Canale
Schunck, Gerd Schunck_Gerd_Abflug
Zimmer, Elfi Auf Gespensterjagd
Zimmer, Elfi Blick nach oben
AUTHOR Image title awards
Fanos, Nestor run little girl
AUTHOR Image title awards
Chan, Diana Exaltation
Chan, Diana One first
Chan, Diana The Heart Road
AUTHOR Image title awards
Banoczi, Laszlo Apocalypse 83
Solymos, Akos Chainbridge roller
Szmolanka, Leszja Emerging
Tóth-szögi, Zsuzsanna Bubble
Tóth-szögi, Zsuzsanna Sturgeon of Sugovica
Tóth-szögi, Zsuzsanna The game of the fish
Tóth-szögi, Zsuzsanna Under a blanket of fog
AUTHOR Image title awards
Matthiasson, Eyjolfur Golden eagle in Laudal
Matthiasson, Eyjolfur Lesser yellowlegs
Matthiasson, Eyjolfur Maasai Mara sunset
Matthiasson, Eyjolfur Muskox
AUTHOR Image title awards
Mandias, Eddy Pembuat jala 652
Mandias, Eddy The beauty 333
AUTHOR Image title awards
Bushe, Catherine City bridge
Strapec, Michael Alexandra and Michaela
Strapec, Michael Bad apples
Strapec, Michael My little beauty GPU GOLD COLOR
AUTHOR Image title awards
Rubboli, Veniero Venetian Carnival 6453
Volani, Sergio Laetitia
AUTHOR Image title awards
Kopeliovich, Ilya Magic pointe shoes
Kopeliovich, Ilya Single Dance
Kopeliovich, Ilya Unrestrained solo
AUTHOR Image title awards
Bartholmé, Jos EMELIE 23
Bartholmé, Jos EMELIE 30
AUTHOR Image title awards
Cheang, Sherman Dancing In Red
Cheang, Sherman Red Faces
Cheang, Sherman Whats Up
AUTHOR Image title awards
Groenewoud Beerda , Minke Friends forever
Groenewoud Beerda , Minke The Labyrinth
Van Balken, Marcel Airport
Van Balken, Marcel Colorstaircase
Van Balken, Marcel Painting AFCC GOLD COLOR
Van Balken, Marcel Phonelines
AUTHOR Image title awards
Andersen, Leif Distance
Andersen, Leif Love
Andersen, Leif Undecover
Barsjø, Stine Marie Confident
Barsjø, Stine Marie Magic autumn portrait
Bjoernbekk, Rune Aurora reflections
Bjoernbekk, Rune Red Arrows
Bjoernbekk, Rune The lioness
Bjorkli, Trygve Serene Dragonfly
Braten, Tove I m keeping it
Eikemo, Marit Kristin Ferstad Whooper Swan
Engen, Bjoern Cattle by the sea
Engen, Bjoern Fight with the King
Foelid, Tove strykende
Foss, Torunn Inthe_light
Gram, Herman On the roof
Gram, Herman The fishermans hut
Helland, Atle Gondoler
Helland, Atle I isode
Helland, Knut Ivar Caravan
Helland, Knut Ivar Sun
Isaksen, Signe Gry Retro II
Jenssen, Oernulf Horizon
Kieres, Dariusz R. Nationaltheatret Station.
Kvam, Jarle I. Kvam Quiet morning.
Kvam, Jarle I. Kvam The mountain pasture plains.
Landvik, Jon October in Denmark
Larssen, Richard Melisdryss
Larssen, Richard October
Lidal, Endre M Crossing the Endless White
Lidal, Endre M Skater at Armager Strandpark
Mattsson, Rune Wonderland.
Olsen, Linda Walbeck Nightwalks
Sandstrak, Kristin _39A6406-Edit-Edit
Smedal, Tom Erik Direction AFCC SILVER COLOR
Smedal, Tom Erik Tetrao
Smedal, Tom Erik Work-life imbalance
Soltvedt, Simen Framed silhuette
Soltvedt, Simen Waiting for new adventures
Sveen, Atle Halo queen of the water
Sveen, Atle Henry and Pablo II
Sveen, Atle Ivory Flame in flower bodycage
Sylta, Rolf Sylta Be first
Sylta, Rolf Sylta Snowing at Beffen
Tellefsen, Morten Rainy day
Tellefsen, Morten White stripes
Tellefsen, Morten Winter sleep
Tetlie, Rannveig Golden Butterfly
Tetlie, Rannveig Mr And Mrs FIAP HM COLOR
Ulvestad, Siv Bente Sweethearts
AUTHOR Image title awards
Gurdak, Lukasz DZIEWA
Gurdak, Lukasz In symbiosis with nature
AUTHOR Image title awards
Cabral, Carlos What's up
Cabral, Carlos Why do you paint?
AUTHOR Image title awards
Mihai - Vem, Victor Eugen Last Supper
Mihai - Vem, Victor Eugen Liberation
Mihai - Vem, Victor Eugen The present AFCC BRONZE COLOR
Mihai - Vem, Victor Eugen The red umbrella
Nagy, Lajos A storyteller
AUTHOR Image title awards
Downie, Phil Windowlight No 6
Greer, David Dont Cry for Me
Greer, David Lady in Red FIAP SILVER COLOR
Greer, David Window Cleaner
Johnstone, Fraser Blissful
AUTHOR Image title awards
Ang, Ken Dragon Fan
Ang, Ken Electric Samurai
Ang, Ken Kissed by a Mermaid
Ang, Ken Princess from Atlantis NFFF HM COLOR
AUTHOR Image title awards
Booyse, Jane Shades of Africa
Kruger, Mariana Boa and his prey
Kruger, Mariana Proud Huntress
AUTHOR Image title awards
Frias Pérez, Carlos behind the glass
Frias Pérez, Carlos dance of love FIAP HM COLOR
Frias Pérez, Carlos The train
Frias Pérez, Carlos white still life
Martín Hernández, José María Green
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino AF Objetivo 20
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino JeruZalem
Molero Gutierrez, Florentino Toque doble
Noguero Cazorla, Andreu A Nu 1900
Noguero Cazorla, Andreu A NY amb bombin
Noguero Cazorla, Andreu A Retrat Suri 010 FIAP BRONZE COLOR
Trillo, Diana Guacamayos
Trillo, Diana Magic of color
Trillo, Diana Motherhood
Vera Jerez, Ernestina María BLANCO Y NEGRO Y COLOR
Vera Jerez, Ernestina María CAFE SOLO
AUTHOR Image title awards
Edirisinghe, Ranga Soulful Silence
AUTHOR Image title awards
Friberg, Kenneth Young nun
Grimfoot, Mats Blue car
Grimfoot, Mats Urheilupuisto metro
Hansson, Lars-hakan W WS Storm Babet 0018
Nyberg, Sture Curious
Nyberg, Sture Golden hour
Nyberg, Sture Kiss me
Unemyr, Göran No woman
Unemyr, Göran Wheels in air
Unemyr, Margareta Old lady
Wallberg, Allan Cleaning
Wallberg, Allan The eagle
Wallberg, Allan Under the bridge GPU SILVER COLOR
AUTHOR Image title awards
Aemmer, Elisabeth gelbes Seil
AUTHOR Image title awards
Chao, Ling Jyi Disabled11 NFFF HM COLOR
Chao, Ling Jyi Dog 03
Chao, Ling Jyi Ribbon dance 55
Chao, Ling Jyi TWT 01
AUTHOR Image title awards
Karaibiler, Birol bulgur kurutma
Karaibiler, Birol cigaramin dumani
AUTHOR Image title awards
Konchenko, Oleksii Consumer
Konchenko, Oleksii Prelude of the sea
Konchenko, Oleksii Promise of water BEST CONCEPTUAL WORK
AUTHOR Image title awards
Allen, William Girl in a Saree
Allen, William Raven Queen
Allen, William Tate Britain Spiral
Bews, Mike 731 Leading
Bray, David Aurora Over Bo 2
Broomfield, Richard Pre flight briefing II
Broomfield, Richard Servicing the engine
Broomfield, Richard The Mysterious Suitor
Field, Steve Smoke Monster
Harding, Richard Podere Belvedere in the Blue Hour AFCC HM COLOR
Hill, Janette Elephant trio on dry lake
Hilton, Nicholas Hanging on
Hilton, Nicholas Rounding the bend
Hilton, Nicholas Sidercar racers
Jackson, Peter In sync
Jackson, Peter Tegan and Gyr Falcon
Jenkin, Barbara Angelic Repose
Jenkin, Barbara Pensive Dreamer
Kozok, Corinne Pelicans Shout Wherem is the Fish
Lyon, David The potato field
Lyon, David Waiting for the train
Reid, David The Kite Fight
Reid, David The Things You Walk Away From NFFF SILVER COLOR
Smith, Roy Red Arrows Tornado 4
Webster, Jennifer Margaret Cheetah Siblings contented
Wheeler, David Clouds over Vestrahorn
Wheeler, David Damsel in Distress
Wheeler, David Looking for Trouble
AUTHOR Image title awards
AUTHOR Image title awards
Hoang, Nguyen Duc Face painting
Hoang, Nguyen Duc Red shanked douc mother and child 3